Matthew Bambach

Worry Quest
Design Research, UX & Exhibition Design
MICA, Fall 2015 to Spring 2016
A more approachable & fun way to cope with anxiety. Check out the full story and exhibition on my thesis website. I made a book too!

Worry Quest is a prototype for a smartphone app that translates proven anxiety therapy and self-care techniques into fun adventure games.

The Exhibition
The Worry Quest exhibition presented the prototype video in an immersive environment. Participants drew their anxiety triggers, and viewed others' fears hanging from the clouds.

Thesis Site
I created a microsite for my thesis project, which shows the app’s features, explains my process, and includes photos from my exhibition.

I wrote about the Worry Quest story on Medium.

Check out stories about Worry Quest in the Baltimore Sun, The Ryersonian, Harlot Media, MICA Graduate Studies and MICA Juxtapositions.